Spatial Interpolation - Part 1

Analysis Preparation


All of these libraries should have been previously installed during the environment set-up, if they have not been installed already you can use install.packages(c("raster", "rgdal", "ape", "scales", "deldir", "gstat"))

library(raster) # rasters
library(rgdal)  # spatial data
library(sf)     # for handling spatial features
library(ape)    # clustering (Morans I)
library(scales) # transparencies
library(deldir) # triangulation
library(gstat)  # geostatistics

source('../scripts/helpers.R') # helper script, note that '../' is used to change into the directory above the directory this notebook is in

Loading Data

We’ll start by again checking to see if we need to download any data.


We’ll then load in the datasets.

df_zambia <- read_sf('../data/zambia/zambia.shp')
df_africa_cities <- read_sf('../data/africa/cities.shp')
solar <- raster('../data/zambia/solar.tif')
altitude <- raster('../data/zambia/altitude.tif')

Do some pre-processing on the zambian cities dataset (which we’ll use as points in our Voronoi diagram later).

df_zambian_cities <- df_africa_cities[which(df_africa_cities$COUNTRY=='Zambia'), ]
df_zambian_cities_UTM35S <- st_transform(df_zambian_cities, crs=st_crs(20935))

head(df_zambian_cities_UTM35S, 3)
A sf: 3 × 29
<dbl><dbl><dbl><chr><dbl><int><int><int><chr><chr><chr><chr><chr><chr><chr><chr><chr><chr><chr><POINT [m]>
4-12.6500028.08333U1990 9945 10684 11218NAfricaPOINT (617646.2 8601614)COPPERBELTCopperbeltKalulushi UAPublishedNIMACensus of Population, Housing & Argriculture 1990 Descriptive TablesUN Statistical LibraryNAPOINT (617646.2 8601614)
7-12.3666727.83333U1990 48055 51629 54206NAfricaPOINT (590593.6 8633048)COPPERBELTCopperbeltChililabombweUAPublishedNIMACensus of Population, Housing & Argriculture 1990 Descriptive TablesUN Statistical LibraryNAPOINT (590593.6 8633048)
9-12.5333327.85000U1990142383152972160610NAfricaPOINT (592346.6 8614610)COPPERBELTCopperbeltChingola UAPublishedNIMACensus of Population, Housing & Argriculture 1990 Descriptive TablesUN Statistical LibraryNAPOINT (592346.6 8614610)

We’ll visualise these as well

plot(df_zambia['geometry'], add=TRUE)
plot(df_zambian_cities_UTM35S['geometry'], add=TRUE)

Voronoi Tesselation/Thiessen Polygons

Before we move on to interpolation we’ll look at how we can create a Voronoi diagram:

… a partitioning of a plane into regions based on distance to points in a specific subset of the plane. That set of points (called seeds, sites, or generators) is specified beforehand, and for each seed there is a corresponding region consisting of all points closer to that seed than to any other. - Wikipedia

We’ll now use the deldir function to carry out Delaunay triangulation and Dirichlet tessellation, this function returns a complex object.

cities_deldir <- deldir(df_zambian_cities_UTM35S$LONGITUDE, df_zambian_cities_UTM35S$LATITUDE)

Delaunay triangulation and Dirchlet tessellation
of 43 data points.

Enclosing rectangular window:
[22.11,34.190001] x [-18.751667,-7.931666] 

Area of rectangular window (total area of
Dirichlet tiles):

Area of convex hull of points (total area of
Delaunay triangles):

We can use tile.list to convert the complex object returned in the last step into a list where each entry is a separate Dirichlet/Voronoi tile

cities_polygons <- tile.list(cities_deldir) # Produces Thiessen polygons


We can then susbset the returned object, with each element relating to a single city in the original dataset, the area attribute is the size of the Polygon for that city.

  1. 28.046429
  2. 27.891667
  3. 28.129763
  4. 28.213637
  1. -12.432142
  2. -12.741666
  3. -12.741666
  4. -12.682955
  1. FALSE
  2. FALSE
  3. FALSE
  4. FALSE


Before we start interpolating we’ll quickly inspect the dataset for any clear trends, starting with the lon/lat & altitude relationship with solar potential.

First we’ll extract the solar and altitude values for the points we’ve selected (just so happens to be cities in this case).

city_coords = st_coordinates(df_zambian_cities_UTM35S)

df_zambian_cities_UTM35S$solar <- extract(solar, city_coords)
df_zambian_cities_UTM35S$altitude <- extract(altitude, city_coords)

df_zambian_cities_UTM35S$x <- city_coords[, 1]
df_zambian_cities_UTM35S$y <- city_coords[, 2]

Longitude appears to have a weak relationship with solar output

plot(df_zambian_cities_UTM35S$x, df_zambian_cities_UTM35S$solar, pch=19)
abline(lm(df_zambian_cities_UTM35S$solar ~ df_zambian_cities_UTM35S$x))

Latitude appears to have a stronger relationship with solar output which would be expected (why do you think this is?).

plot(df_zambian_cities_UTM35S$y, df_zambian_cities_UTM35S$solar, pch=19)
abline(lm(df_zambian_cities_UTM35S$solar ~ df_zambian_cities_UTM35S$y))

We’ll now create a model that predicts solar based on a 1st order linear regression against longitude/latitude.

trend_1st <- lm(solar~x+y, data=df_zambian_cities_UTM35S)
lm(formula = solar ~ x + y, data = df_zambian_cities_UTM35S)

    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-63.083  -9.265   1.744  19.652  62.488 

              Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)  1.321e+03  1.605e+02   8.230 3.87e-10 ***
x           -1.636e-06  1.804e-05  -0.091    0.928    
y            1.212e-04  1.954e-05   6.203 2.45e-07 ***
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Residual standard error: 26.87 on 40 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.5649,	Adjusted R-squared:  0.5432 
F-statistic: 25.97 on 2 and 40 DF,  p-value: 5.903e-08

We’ll now create a grid that we will carry out the predictions over

grid <- st_as_sf(rasterToPoints(solar, spatial=TRUE)) # uses existing raster cell centres as point locations
grid$solar <- NULL # clear existing data

plot(grid, pch=".")

We’ll now populate this empty grid with the x/y values and solar/altitude values

grid_coords <-

grid$x <- grid_coords[, 1]
grid$y <- grid_coords[, 2]

grid$solar <- extract(solar, grid_coords[, 1:2])
grid$altitude <- extract(altitude, grid_coords[, 1:2])


We can now make the prediction which we’ll compare with the true solar values, we can see that whilst it captures some of the wider characteristics there are a lot of discrepancies still.

grid_pred <- predict(trend_1st, newdata=grid,
grid$prediction <- grid_pred$fit

plot(grid[c('solar', 'prediction')])

We don’t just have to regress against longitude/latitude though, here we’ll repeat the previous steps but only use latitude as a regressor.

First we’ll visualise the relationship between the two.

plot(df_zambian_cities_UTM35S$altitude, df_zambian_cities_UTM35S$solar, pch=19)
abline(lm(df_zambian_cities_UTM35S$solar ~ df_zambian_cities_UTM35S$altitude))

Then we’ll fit a model and use it in our prediction.

trend_1st <- lm(solar~altitude, data=df_zambian_cities_UTM35S)

grid_pred <- predict(trend_1st, newdata=grid,
grid$prediction <- grid_pred$fit

plot(grid[c('solar', 'prediction')])


Best Fit Model

  • What combination of the inputs produces the most accurate results?

  • Should we use the standard r2 score or the adjusted r2 score?

  • How do the results change when you use a test/train split?

  • How could we improve over a random sample on the test/train split? (Think about what you would do with time-series cross-validation)
