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Tables & Figures Generation


This notebook provides a programmatic workflow for generating the tables used in the MOE paper, as well as the diagram to show the time-adaptive smoothing weights.


import json
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from IPython.display import Latex, JSON

from moepy import eda, lowess


Power Systems Overview

We'll first load in the DE data

df_DE = eda.load_DE_df('../data/raw/energy_charts.csv', '../data/raw/ENTSOE_DE_price.csv')

local_datetime Biomass Brown Coal Gas Hard Coal Hydro Power Oil Others Pumped Storage Seasonal Storage Solar Uranium Wind Net Balance demand price
2010-01-03 23:00:00+00:00 3.637 16.533 4.726 10.078 2.331 0 0 0.052 0.068 0 16.826 0.635 -1.229 53.657 nan
2010-01-04 00:00:00+00:00 3.637 16.544 4.856 8.816 2.293 0 0 0.038 0.003 0 16.841 0.528 -1.593 51.963 nan
2010-01-04 01:00:00+00:00 3.637 16.368 5.275 7.954 2.299 0 0 0.032 0 0 16.846 0.616 -1.378 51.649 nan
2010-01-04 02:00:00+00:00 3.637 15.837 5.354 7.681 2.299 0 0 0.027 0 0 16.699 0.63 -1.624 50.54 nan
2010-01-04 03:00:00+00:00 3.637 15.452 5.918 7.498 2.301 0.003 0 0.02 0 0 16.635 0.713 -0.731 51.446 nan

Clean it up then calculate the relevant summary statistics

year = '2019'

s_DE_RES_output = df_DE[['Wind', 'Solar']].sum(axis=1)
s_DE_demand = df_DE['demand']
s_DE_price = df_DE['price']

s_DE_RES_pct = s_DE_RES_output/s_DE_demand

DE_annual_RES_pct = s_DE_RES_pct[year].mean()
DE_annual_demand_avg = s_DE_demand[year].mean()
DE_annual_price_avg = s_DE_price[year].mean()
DE_annual_price_min = s_DE_price[year].min()
DE_annual_price_max = s_DE_price[year].max()

DE_annual_RES_pct, DE_annual_demand_avg, DE_annual_price_avg
(0.325151836935705, 59.04589823059361, 37.668148401826485)

We'll also estimate the carbon intensity

DE_fuel_to_co2_intensity = {
    'Biomass': 0.39, 
    'Brown Coal': 0.36, 
    'Gas': 0.23, 
    'Hard Coal': 0.34, 
    'Hydro Power': 0, 
    'Oil': 0.28,
    'Others': 0, 
    'Pumped Storage': 0, 
    'Seasonal Storage': 0, 
    'Solar': 0, 
    'Uranium': 0,
    'Wind': 0, 
    'Net Balance': 0 

s_DE_emissions_tonnes = (df_DE
                         .multiply(1e3) # converting to MWh

s_DE_emissions_tonnes = s_DE_emissions_tonnes[s_DE_emissions_tonnes>2000]
s_DE_carbon_intensity = s_DE_emissions_tonnes/s_DE_demand.loc[s_DE_emissions_tonnes.index]

DE_annual_emissions_tonnes = s_DE_emissions_tonnes[year].mean()
DE_annual_ci_avg = s_DE_carbon_intensity[year].mean()

DE_annual_emissions_tonnes, DE_annual_ci_avg
(9496.454279394979, 163.22025761797656)

We'll do the same for GB

# Loading in
df_EI = pd.read_csv('../data/raw/electric_insights.csv')

df_EI = df_EI.set_index('local_datetime')
df_EI.index = pd.to_datetime(df_EI.index, utc=True)

# Extracting RES, demand, and price series
s_GB_RES = df_EI[['wind', 'solar']].sum(axis=1)
s_GB_demand = df_EI['demand']
s_GB_price = df_EI['day_ahead_price']

# Generating carbon intensity series
GB_fuel_to_co2_intensity = {
    'nuclear': 0, 
    'biomass': 0.121, # from EI 
    'coal': 0.921, # DUKES 2018 value
    'gas': 0.377, # DUKES 2018 value (lower than many CCGT estimates, let alone OCGT)
    'hydro': 0, 
    'pumped_storage': 0, 
    'solar': 0,
    'wind': 0,
    'belgian': 0.4,  
    'dutch': 0.474, # from EI 
    'french': 0.053, # from EI 
    'ireland': 0.458, # from EI 
    'northern_ireland': 0.458 # from EI 

s_GB_emissions_tonnes = (df_EI
                         .multiply(1e3*0.5) # converting to MWh

s_GB_emissions_tonnes = s_GB_emissions_tonnes[s_GB_emissions_tonnes>2000]
s_GB_carbon_intensity = s_GB_emissions_tonnes/s_GB_demand.loc[s_GB_emissions_tonnes.index]

# Calculating annual averages
GB_annual_emissions_tonnes = s_GB_emissions_tonnes[year].mean()
GB_annual_ci_avg = s_GB_carbon_intensity[year].mean()
GB_annual_RES_pct = (s_GB_RES[year]/s_GB_demand[year]).mean()
GB_annual_demand_avg = s_GB_demand[year].mean()
GB_annual_price_avg = s_GB_price[year].mean()
GB_annual_price_min = s_GB_price[year].min()
GB_annual_price_max = s_GB_price[year].max()

Then combine the results in a single table

system_overview_data = {
    'Germany': {
        'Average Solar/Wind Generation (%)': round(100*DE_annual_RES_pct, 2),
        'Average Demand (GW)': round(DE_annual_demand_avg, 2),
        'Average Price ([EUR,GBP]/MWh)': round(DE_annual_price_avg, 2),
        'Minimum Price ([EUR,GBP]/MWh)': round(DE_annual_price_min, 2),
        'Maximum Price ([EUR,GBP]/MWh)': round(DE_annual_price_max, 2),
        'Average Carbon Intensity  (gCO2/kWh)': round(DE_annual_ci_avg, 2),
    'Great Britain': {
        'Average Solar/Wind Generation (%)': round(100*GB_annual_RES_pct, 2),
        'Average Demand (GW)': round(GB_annual_demand_avg, 2),
        'Average Price ([EUR,GBP]/MWh)': round(GB_annual_price_avg, 2),
        'Minimum Price ([EUR,GBP]/MWh)': round(GB_annual_price_min, 2),
        'Maximum Price ([EUR,GBP]/MWh)': round(GB_annual_price_max, 2),
        'Average Carbon Intensity  (gCO2/kWh)': round(GB_annual_ci_avg, 2),

df_system_overview = pd.DataFrame(system_overview_data)

Unnamed: 0 Germany Great Britain
Average Solar/Wind Generation (%) 32.52 24.71
Average Demand (GW) 59.05 32.58
Average Price ([EUR,GBP]/MWh) 37.67 41.81
Minimum Price ([EUR,GBP]/MWh) -90.01 -72.84
Maximum Price ([EUR,GBP]/MWh) 121.46 152

Which we'll then output as a LaTeX table

get_lined_column_format = lambda n_cols:''.join(n_cols*['|l']) + '|'

caption = f'Markets overview for {year}'
label = 'table:overview_table'
column_format = get_lined_column_format(df_system_overview.shape[1]+1)

latex_str = df_system_overview.to_latex(column_format=column_format, caption=caption, label=label)

latex_replacements = {
    'CO2': 'CO\\textsubscript{2}',
    '\\\\\n': '\\\\ \\midrule\n',
    'midrule': 'hline',
    'toprule': 'hline',
    'bottomrule': '',
    '\n\\\n': '\n',
    '\\hline\n\\hline': '\\hline'

for old, new in latex_replacements.items():
    latex_str = latex_str.replace(old, new)

\[\begin{table} \centering \caption{Markets overview for 2019} \label{table:overview_table} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|} \hline {} & Germany & Great Britain \\ \hline Average Solar/Wind Generation (\%) & 32.52 & 24.71 \\ \hline Average Demand (GW) & 59.05 & 32.58 \\ \hline Average Price ([EUR,GBP]/MWh) & 37.67 & 41.81 \\ \hline Minimum Price ([EUR,GBP]/MWh) & -90.01 & -72.84 \\ \hline Maximum Price ([EUR,GBP]/MWh) & 121.46 & 152.00 \\ \hline Average Carbon Intensity (gCO\textsubscript{2}/kWh) & 163.22 & 105.55 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{table}\]

Carbon Intensity Estimates

We'll clean up our GB carbon intensity estimates

def clean_idxs(s):
    s.index = s.index.str.replace('_', ' ').str.title()
    return s

df_GB_non0_co2_intensity = (pd
                            .replace(0, np.nan)
                            .drop(['belgian', 'northern_ireland'])
                            .rename({0: 'gCO2/kWh'})

Unnamed: 0 Biomass Coal Gas Dutch French Ireland
gCO2/kWh 121 921 377 474 53 458

And output them as a LaTeX table

caption = 'Carbon intensity factors for fuel-types and interconnection on the GB power system'
label = 'table:GB_co2_intensity_table'
column_format = get_lined_column_format(df_GB_non0_co2_intensity.shape[1]+1)

latex_str = df_GB_non0_co2_intensity.to_latex(column_format=column_format, caption=caption, label=label)

latex_replacements = {
    'CO2': 'CO\\textsubscript{2}',
    '\\\\\n': '\\\\ \\midrule\n',
    'midrule': 'hline',
    'toprule': 'hline',
    'bottomrule': '',
    '\n\\\n': '\n',
    '\\hline\n\\hline': '\\hline'

for old, new in latex_replacements.items():
    latex_str = latex_str.replace(old, new)

\[\begin{table} \centering \caption{Carbon intensity factors for fuel-types and interconnection on the GB power system} \label{table:GB_co2_intensity_table} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|l|l|l|l|} \hline {} & Biomass & Coal & Gas & Dutch & French & Ireland \\ \hline gCO\textsubscript{2}/kWh & 121 & 921 & 377 & 474 & 53 & 458 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{table}\]

We'll then do the same for DE

df_DE_non0_co2_intensity = (pd
                            .replace(0, np.nan)
                            [['Biomass', 'Brown Coal', 'Hard Coal', 'Gas', 'Oil']]
                            .rename({0: 'gCO2/kWh'})

Unnamed: 0 Biomass Brown Coal Hard Coal Gas Oil
gCO2/kWh 390 360 340 230 280
caption = 'Carbon intensity factors for fuel-types and interconnection on the DE power system'
label = 'table:DE_co2_intensity_table'
column_format = get_lined_column_format(df_DE_non0_co2_intensity.shape[1]+1)

latex_str = df_DE_non0_co2_intensity.to_latex(column_format=column_format, caption=caption, label=label)

for old, new in latex_replacements.items():
    latex_str = latex_str.replace(old, new)

\[\begin{table} \centering \caption{Carbon intensity factors for fuel-types and interconnection on the DE power system} \label{table:DE_co2_intensity_table} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|l|l|l|} \hline {} & Biomass & Brown Coal & Hard Coal & Gas & Oil \\ \hline gCO\textsubscript{2}/kWh & 390 & 360 & 340 & 230 & 280 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{table}\]

Electricity Price Forecasting Metrics

We'll start by loading in our previously saved model metrics

with open('../data/results/price_model_accuracy_metrics.json', 'r') as fp:
    model_accuracy_metrics = json.load(fp)

<IPython.core.display.JSON object>

We'll parse the MAE results into a new table

model_accuracy_data = {
    'Germany': {
        'Dispatchable Load': round(model_accuracy_metrics['DE_dispatch']['mean_abs_err'], 2),
        'Total Load': round(model_accuracy_metrics['DE_demand']['mean_abs_err'], 2),
    'Great Britain': {
        'Dispatchable Load': round(model_accuracy_metrics['GB_dispatch']['mean_abs_err'], 2),
        'Total Load': round(model_accuracy_metrics['GB_demand']['mean_abs_err'], 2),

df_model_accuracy = pd.DataFrame(model_accuracy_data).T

Unnamed: 0 Dispatchable Load Total Load
Germany 5.85 18.28
Great Britain 6.56 8.42

Which we'll output as a LaTeX table

caption = 'Price forecasting model accuracy when regressing against dispatchable and total load for GB and DE.'
label = 'table:model_accuracy_table'
column_format = get_lined_column_format(df_model_accuracy.shape[1]+1)

latex_str = df_model_accuracy.to_latex(column_format=column_format, caption=caption, label=label)

for old, new in latex_replacements.items():
    latex_str = latex_str.replace(old, new)

\[\begin{table} \centering \caption{Price forecasting model accuracy when regressing against dispatchable and total load for GB and DE.} \label{table:model_accuracy_table} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|} \hline {} & Dispatchable Load & Total Load \\ \hline Germany & 5.85 & 18.28 \\ \hline Great Britain & 6.56 & 8.42 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{table}\]

Price and CO2 MOE Results

We'll first load in all of the price and carbon MOE time-series

def set_dt_idx(df, dt_idx_col='local_datetime'):
    df = df.set_index(dt_idx_col)
    df.index = pd.to_datetime(df.index, utc=True)

    return df

df_GB_price_results_ts = pd.read_csv('../data/results/GB_price.csv').pipe(set_dt_idx)
df_DE_price_results_ts = pd.read_csv('../data/results/DE_price.csv').pipe(set_dt_idx)
df_GB_carbon_results_ts = pd.read_csv('../data/results/GB_carbon.csv').pipe(set_dt_idx)
df_DE_carbon_results_ts = pd.read_csv('../data/results/DE_carbon.csv').pipe(set_dt_idx)

local_datetime prediction counterfactual observed moe
2009-01-01 00:00:00+00:00 37.2034 37.3134 58.05 0.109938
2009-01-01 00:30:00+00:00 37.3134 37.5351 56.33 0.221756
2009-01-01 01:00:00+00:00 36.7685 36.9851 52.98 0.216574
2009-01-01 01:30:00+00:00 35.5952 35.8076 50.39 0.212469
2009-01-01 02:00:00+00:00 34.8494 35.0631 48.7 0.213697

We'll then calculate their summary statistics

MOE_results_data = {
    'Germany': {
        'Price ([EUR,GBP]/MWh)': round(df_DE_price_results_ts.loc[year, 'moe'].mean(), 2),
        'Price Reduction (%)': round(100*(df_DE_price_results_ts.loc[year, 'moe']*df_DE['demand']).sum()/((df_DE_price_results_ts.loc[year, 'observed']+df_DE_price_results_ts.loc[year, 'moe'])*df_DE['demand']).sum(), 2),
        'Carbon (Tonnes/h)': round(df_DE_carbon_results_ts.loc[year, 'moe'].mean(), 2),
        'Carbon Reduction (%)': round(100*(df_DE_carbon_results_ts.loc[year, 'moe'].sum()/(df_DE_carbon_results_ts.loc[year, 'observed']+df_DE_carbon_results_ts.loc[year, 'moe']).sum()).mean(), 2)
    'Great Britain': {
        'Price ([EUR,GBP]/MWh)': round(df_GB_price_results_ts.loc[year, 'moe'].mean(), 2),
        'Price Reduction (%)': round(100*(df_GB_price_results_ts.loc[year, 'moe']*df_EI['demand']).sum()/((df_GB_price_results_ts.loc[year, 'observed']+df_GB_price_results_ts.loc[year, 'moe'])*df_EI['demand']).sum(), 2),
        'Carbon (Tonnes/h)': round(df_GB_carbon_results_ts.loc[year, 'moe'].mean(), 2), # doubled to make it the same hourly rate as DE
        'Carbon Reduction (%)': round(100*(df_GB_carbon_results_ts.loc[year, 'moe'].sum()/(df_GB_carbon_results_ts.loc[year, 'observed']+df_GB_carbon_results_ts.loc[year, 'moe']).sum()).mean(), 2)

df_MOE_results = (pd

Unnamed: 0 Germany Great Britain
Price ([EUR,GBP]/MWh) 20.53 9.8
Price Reduction (%) 36.7 19.3
Carbon (Tonnes/h) 5085.92 1637.2
Carbon Reduction (%) 34.88 33.53

And export the output as a LaTeX table

caption = f'Merit Order Effect results overview for {year} (weighted by volume). Price reduction is expressed in terms of the percentage decrease relative to the counter-factual price that would have occurred with RES generation'
label = 'table:moe_results_table'
column_format = get_lined_column_format(df_MOE_results.shape[1]+1)

latex_str = df_MOE_results.to_latex(column_format=column_format, caption=caption, label=label)

for old, new in latex_replacements.items():
    latex_str = latex_str.replace(old, new)

\[\begin{table} \centering \caption{Merit Order Effect results overview for 2019 (weighted by volume). Price reduction is expressed in terms of the percentage decrease relative to the counter-factual price that would have occurred with RES generation} \label{table:moe_results_table} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|} \hline {} & Germany & Great Britain \\ \hline Price ([EUR,GBP]/MWh) & 20.53 & 9.80 \\ \hline Price Reduction (\%) & 36.70 & 19.30 \\ \hline Carbon (Tonnes/h) & 5085.92 & 1637.20 \\ \hline Carbon Reduction (\%) & 34.88 & 33.53 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{table}\]

Literature Review

Lastly we'll create our largest table, containing results from across the literature

lit_results_data = [
        'Study': 'Sensfuss et al. (2008)',
        'MOE': '7.83 €/MWh',
        'Period': '2006',
        'Region': 'Germany',
        'Method': 'ESS',
        'Study': 'Weigt (2009)',
        'MOE': '10 €/MWh',
        'Period': '2006-2008',
        'Region': 'Germany',
        'Method': 'ESS',
        'Study': 'Keles et al. (2013)',
        'MOE': '5.90 €/MWh',
        'Period': '2006–2009',
        'Region': 'Germany',
        'Method': 'RPR',
        'Study': 'Mulder and Scholtens (2013)',
        'MOE': '0.03% (per p.p increase in wind speeds)',
        'Period': '2006–2011',
        'Region': 'Germany',
        'Method': 'RPR',
        'Study': 'Tveten et al. (2013)',
        'MOE': '5.25 €/MWh (solar)',
        'Period': '2006-2011',
        'Region': 'Germany',
        'Method': 'RPR',
        'Study': 'Wurzburg et al. (2013)',
        'MOE': '2%',
        'Period': '2010-2012',
        'Region': 'Germany & Austria',
        'Method': 'RPR',
        'Study': 'Cludius et al. (2014)',
        'MOE': '8 €/MWh',
        'Period': '2010-2012',
        'Region': 'Germany',
        'Method': 'RPR',
        'Study': 'Ketterer (2014)',
        'MOE': '1.46% (per p.p increase in wind generation)',
        'Period': '2012',
        'Region': 'Germany',
        'Method': 'RPR',
        'Study': 'Ederer (2015)',
        'MOE': '1.3% (per annual TWh of wind)',
        'Period': '2006-2014',
        'Region': 'Germany',
        'Method': 'MSS',
#     {
#         'Study': 'Kyritsis et al. (2017)',
#         'MOE': '-',
#         'Period': '2010-2015',
#         'Region': 'Germany',
#         'Method': 'RPR',
#     },
        'Study': 'Bublitz et al. (2017)',
        'MOE': '5.40 €/MWh',
        'Period': '2011-2015',
        'Region': 'Germany',
        'Method': 'ESS',
        'Study': 'Bublitz et al. (2017)',
        'MOE': '6.80 €/MWh',
        'Period': '2011-2015',
        'Region': 'Germany',
        'Method': 'RPR',
        'Study': 'de Miera et al. (2008)',
        'MOE': '25.1%',
        'Period': '2007',
        'Region': 'Spain',
        'Method': 'ESS',
        'Study': 'Gelabert et al. (2011)',
        'MOE': '3.7%',
        'Period': '2005-2012',
        'Region': 'Spain',
        'Method': 'RPR',
        'Study': 'Ciarreta et al. (2014)',
        'MOE': '45 €/MWh',
        'Period': '2012',
        'Region': 'Spain',
        'Method': 'ESS',
        'Study': 'Clo et al. (2015)',
        'MOE': '2.3 €/MWh (solar), 4.2 €/MWh (wind)',
        'Period': '2005–2013',
        'Region': 'Italy',
        'Method': 'RPR',
        'Study': 'Munksgaard and Morthorst (2008)',
        'MOE': '4 €/MWh',
        'Period': '2006',
        'Region': 'Denmark',
        'Method': 'RPR',
#     {
#         'Study': 'Jonsson et al. (2010)',
#         'MOE': '-',
#         'Period': '2006-2007',
#         'Region': 'Denmark',
#         'Method': 'RPR',
#     },
        'Study': 'Denny et al. (2017)',
        'MOE': '3.40 €/MWh (per GWh of wind)',
        'Period': '2009',
        'Region': 'Ireland',
        'Method': 'RPR',
        'Study': 'Lunackova et al. (2017)',
        'MOE': '1.2% (per 10% increase in RES)',
        'Period': '2010-2015',
        'Region': 'Czech Republic',
        'Method': 'RPR',
        'Study': 'Dillig et al. (2016)',
        'MOE': '50.29 €/MWh',
        'Period': '2011-2013',
        'Region': 'Germany',
        'Method': 'MSS',
        'Study': 'McConnell et al. (2013)',
        'MOE': '8.6%',
        'Period': '2009-2010',
        'Region': 'Australia',
        'Method': 'MSS',
        'Study': 'Moreno et al. (2012)',
        'MOE': '-0.018% (per p.p. increase in RES)',
        'Period': '1998–2009',
        'Region': 'EU-27',
        'Method': 'RPR',
        'Study': 'Woo et al. (2011)',
        'MOE': '1.53 $/MWh',
        'Period': '2010',
        'Region': 'Texas',
        'Method': 'RPR',
        'Study': 'Kaufmann and Vaid (2016)',
        'MOE': '1.86 $/MWh (solar)',
        'Period': '2012',
        'Region': 'Massachusetts',
        'Method': 'RPR',
        'Study': 'Woo et al. (2016)',
        'MOE': '5.3 $/MWh (solar) and 3.3 $/MWh (wind) per GWh of RES',
        'Period': '2012-2015',
        'Region': 'California',
        'Method': 'RPR',
        'Study': 'Paraschiv et al. (2014)',
        'MOE': '0.15% (per MWh of RES)',
        'Period': '2010-2013',
        'Region': 'Germany',
        'Method': 'RPR',
        'Study': 'O\'Mahoney and Denny (2011)',
        'MOE': '12%',
        'Period': '2009',
        'Region': 'Ireland',
        'Method': 'RPR',
        'Study': 'Hildmann et al. (2015)',
        'MOE': '18.6 €/MWh',
        'Period': '2013',
        'Region': 'Germany and Austria',
        'Method': 'MSS',
        'Study': 'Gil et al. (2012)',
        'MOE': '9.72 €/MWh',
        'Period': '2007-2010',
        'Region': 'Spain',
        'Method': 'RPR',
#     { # Removed due to language barrier preventing method from being discerned
#         'Study': 'Weber and Woll (2007)',
#         'MOE': '4 €/MWh',
#         'Period': '2006',
#         'Region': 'Germany',
#         'Method': '-',
#     },
        'Study': 'Halttunen et al. (2021)',
        'MOE': '0.631 €/MWh (per p.p. increase in RES)',
        'Period': '2012-2019',
        'Region': 'Germany',
        'Method': 'RPR',
        'Study': 'Halttunen et al. (2021)',
        'MOE': '0.482 €/MWh (per p.p. increase in RES)',
        'Period': '2010-2019',
        'Region': 'Germany',
        'Method': 'RPR',

df_lit_results = pd.DataFrame(lit_results_data)

df_lit_results['Study Year'] = df_lit_results['Study'].str.split('(').str[1].str.replace(')', '').astype(int)
df_lit_results = df_lit_results.sort_values(['Method', 'Study Year', 'Study']).drop(columns=['Study Year']).reset_index(drop=True)

<ipython-input-35-79dbc1b60908>:237: FutureWarning: The default value of regex will change from True to False in a future version. In addition, single character regular expressions will*not* be treated as literal strings when regex=True.
  df_lit_results['Study Year'] = df_lit_results['Study'].str.split('(').str[1].str.replace(')', '').astype(int)
Unnamed: 0 Study MOE Period Region Method
0 Sensfuss et al. (2008) 7.83 €/MWh 2006 Germany ESS
1 de Miera et al. (2008) 25.1% 2007 Spain ESS
2 Weigt (2009) 10 €/MWh 2006-2008 Germany ESS
3 Ciarreta et al. (2014) 45 €/MWh 2012 Spain ESS
4 Bublitz et al. (2017) 5.40 €/MWh 2011-2015 Germany ESS

We'll also export this as a LaTeX table

caption = 'Results overview from the MOE literature. All MOE percentages are expressed in terms of the reduction in prices relative to if renewables had not been present on the system.'
label = 'table:lit_results_table'
column_format = get_lined_column_format(df_lit_results.shape[1]+1)

latex_str = df_lit_results.to_latex(column_format=column_format, caption=caption, label=label, index=False)

for old, new in latex_replacements.items():
    latex_str = latex_str.replace(old, new)

\[\begin{table} \centering \caption{Results overview from the MOE literature} \label{lit_results_table} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|l|l|l|} \hline Study & MOE & Period & Region & Method \\ \hline Sensfuss et al. (2008) & 7.83 €/MWh & 2006 & Germany & ESS \\ \hline de Miera et al. (2008) & 25.1\% & 2007 & Spain & ESS \\ \hline Weigt (2009) & 10 €/MWh & 2006-2008 & Germany & ESS \\ \hline Ciarreta et al. (2014) & 45 €/MWh & 2012 & Spain & ESS \\ \hline Bublitz et al. (2017) & 5.40 €/MWh & 2011-2015 & Germany & ESS \\ \hline McConnell et al. (2013) & 8.6\% & 2009-2010 & Australia & MSS \\ \hline Ederer (2015) & 1.3\% (per annual TWh of wind) & 2006-2014 & Germany & MSS \\ \hline Hildmann et al. (2015) & 18.6 €/MWh & 2013 & Germany and Austria & MSS \\ \hline Dillig et al. (2016) & 50.29 €/MWh & 2011-2013 & Germany & MSS \\ \hline Munksgaard and Morthorst (2008) & 4 €/MWh & 2006 & Denmark & RPR \\ \hline Gelabert et al. (2011) & 3.7\% & 2005-2012 & Spain & RPR \\ \hline O'Mahoney and Denny (2011) & 12\% & 2009 & Ireland & RPR \\ \hline Woo et al. (2011) & 1.53 \$/MWh & 2010 & Texas & RPR \\ \hline Gil et al. (2012) & 9.72 €/MWh & 2007-2010 & Spain & RPR \\ \hline Moreno et al. (2012) & -0.018\% (per p.p. increase in RES) & 1998–2009 & EU-27 & RPR \\ \hline Keles et al. (2013) & 5.90 €/MWh & 2006–2009 & Germany & RPR \\ \hline Mulder and Scholtens (2013) & 0.03\% (per p.p increase in wind speeds) & 2006–2011 & Germany & RPR \\ \hline Tveten et al. (2013) & 5.25 €/MWh (solar) & 2006-2011 & Germany & RPR \\ \hline Wurzburg et al. (2013) & 2\% & 2010-2012 & Germany \& Austria & RPR \\ \hline Cludius et al. (2014) & 8 €/MWh & 2010-2012 & Germany & RPR \\ \hline Ketterer (2014) & 1.46\% (per p.p increase in wind generation) & 2012 & Germany & RPR \\ \hline Paraschiv et al. (2014) & 0.15\% (per MWh of RES) & 2010-2013 & Germany & RPR \\ \hline Clo et al. (2015) & 2.3 €/MWh (solar), 4.2 €/MWh (wind) & 2005–2013 & Italy & RPR \\ \hline Kaufmann and Vaid (2016) & 1.86 \$/MWh (solar) & 2012 & Massachusetts & RPR \\ \hline Woo et al. (2016) & 5.3 \$/MWh (solar) and 3.3 \$/MWh (wind) per GWh ... & 2012-2015 & California & RPR \\ \hline Bublitz et al. (2017) & 6.80 €/MWh & 2011-2015 & Germany & RPR \\ \hline Denny et al. (2017) & 3.40 €/MWh (per GWh of wind) & 2009 & Ireland & RPR \\ \hline Lunackova et al. (2017) & 1.2\% (per 10\% increase in RES) & 2010-2015 & Czech Republic & RPR \\ \hline Halttunen et al. (2021) & 0.631 €/MWh (per p.p. increase in RES) & 2012-2019 & Germany & RPR \\ \hline Halttunen et al. (2021) & 0.482 €/MWh (per p.p. increase in RES) & 2010-2019 & Germany & RPR \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{table}\]


Time Dimension Hyper-Parameters

We'll create a plot showing an example of how regression dates are converted into weightings for the time-series

x = np.linspace(0, 1, 150)
centers = [0.3, 0.5, 0.7]

# Plotting
fig, ax = plt.subplots(dpi=250, figsize=(8, 4))

for center in centers:
    dist = lowess.get_dist(x, center)
    dist_threshold = lowess.get_dist_threshold(dist, frac=0.3)
    weights = lowess.dist_to_weights(dist, dist_threshold)

    ax.plot(x, weights, color='k')

x_pos = 0.4
ax.annotate('Interval', xy=(x_pos, 0.95), xytext=(x_pos, 1.00), xycoords='axes fraction', 
            fontsize=6.5, ha='center', va='bottom',
            bbox=dict(boxstyle='square', fc='white'),
            arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='-[, widthB=7.0, lengthB=1.5', lw=1.0))

x_pos = 0.5
ax.annotate('Bandwidth', xy=(x_pos, 0.06), xytext=(x_pos, 0.11), xycoords='axes fraction', 
            fontsize=9.5, ha='center', va='bottom',
            bbox=dict(boxstyle='square', fc='white'),
            arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='-[, widthB=7.0, lengthB=1.5', lw=1.0))

ax.set_xlim(0, 1)
ax.set_ylim(0, 1.1)
ax.set_xlabel('Data Fraction')
ax.set_ylabel('Relative Weighting')
Text(0, 0.5, 'Relative Weighting')


Merit Order Effect Diagram

We'll start by pre-processing the data and filtering for the 16/17 winter

df_EI_model = df_EI.loc['2016-12':'2017-01', ['day_ahead_price', 'demand', 'solar', 'wind']].dropna()

s_demand = df_EI_model['demand']
s_price = df_EI_model['day_ahead_price']
s_dispatchable = df_EI_model['demand'] - df_EI_model[['solar', 'wind']].sum(axis=1)

We'll now fit our model

x_pred = np.linspace(17.5, 50, 326)

y_pred = lowess.lowess_fit_and_predict(s_dispatchable.values, 

s_pred = pd.Series(y_pred, index=x_pred)
s_pred.index = pd.Series(s_pred.index).round(1).values



Next we can simulate how the price would change from a demand of 45 GW using the average RES output

residual_demand_without_RES =  45
residual_demand_with_RES = residual_demand_without_RES - (s_demand-s_dispatchable).mean()

price_with_RES = s_pred.loc[round(residual_demand_with_RES, 1)]
price_without_RES = s_pred.loc[round(residual_demand_without_RES, 1)]

round(price_with_RES, 2), round(price_without_RES, 2)
(54.13, 71.22)

We're now ready to plot how the intersection between supply and residual demand changes, with annotations explaining the drivers and effects

ylim = (0, 100)
xlim = (17.5, 50)
intersection_linestyle = 'k--'
linewidth = 0.5

# Plotting
fig, ax = plt.subplots(dpi=250)

s_pred.plot(linewidth=1.5, color='r', ax=ax, zorder=3)
ax.plot([residual_demand_without_RES, residual_demand_without_RES], [ylim[0], price_without_RES], intersection_linestyle, linewidth=linewidth)
ax.plot([residual_demand_with_RES, residual_demand_with_RES], [ylim[0], price_with_RES], intersection_linestyle, linewidth=linewidth)
ax.plot([xlim[0], residual_demand_without_RES], [price_without_RES, price_without_RES], intersection_linestyle, linewidth=linewidth)
ax.plot([xlim[0], residual_demand_with_RES], [price_with_RES, price_with_RES], intersection_linestyle, linewidth=linewidth)

ax.set_xlabel('Demand - [Solar + Wind] (GW)')
ax.set_ylabel('Day-Ahead Price (£/MWh)')

ax.annotate('Marginal Cost Curve', xy=(44, 95), ha='center', size=8)

ax.annotate('Renewable\nGeneration', xy=((residual_demand_without_RES+residual_demand_with_RES)/2, 25), ha='center', size=8)
ax.annotate('', xy=(residual_demand_with_RES, 20), xytext=(residual_demand_without_RES, 20), arrowprops={'arrowstyle': '-|>', 'color': 'k'}, xycoords=('data'))

ax.annotate('Merit\nOrder\nEffect', xy=(26, (price_with_RES+price_without_RES)/2), va='center', size=8)
ax.annotate('', xy=(25, price_with_RES), xytext=(25, price_without_RES), arrowprops={'arrowstyle': '-|>', 'color': 'k'}, xycoords=('data'))

fig.savefig('../img/MOE_diagram.png', dpi=250)
