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Estimation of Price Surfaces


This notebook outlines how to specify different variants the model, then proceeds to fit them.


import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

import os
import pickle
from tqdm import tqdm

from moepy import lowess, eda
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

User Inputs

models_dir = '../data/models'
load_existing_model = True

Loading & Cleaning Data

We'll start by loading in ...


df_EI = eda.load_EI_df('../data/raw/electric_insights.csv')

Wall time: 1.69 s
local_datetime day_ahead_price SP imbalance_price valueSum temperature TCO2_per_h gCO2_per_kWh nuclear biomass coal ... demand pumped_storage wind_onshore wind_offshore belgian dutch french ireland northern_ireland irish
2009-01-01 00:00:00+00:00 58.05 1 74.74 74.74 -0.6 21278 555 6.973 0 17.65 ... 38.329 -0.404 nan nan 0 0 1.977 0 0 -0.161
2009-01-01 00:30:00+00:00 56.33 2 74.89 74.89 -0.6 21442 558 6.968 0 17.77 ... 38.461 -0.527 nan nan 0 0 1.977 0 0 -0.16
2009-01-01 01:00:00+00:00 52.98 3 76.41 76.41 -0.6 21614 569 6.97 0 18.07 ... 37.986 -1.018 nan nan 0 0 1.977 0 0 -0.16
2009-01-01 01:30:00+00:00 50.39 4 37.73 37.73 -0.6 21320 578 6.969 0 18.022 ... 36.864 -1.269 nan nan 0 0 1.746 0 0 -0.16
2009-01-01 02:00:00+00:00 48.7 5 59 59 -0.6 21160 585 6.96 0 17.998 ... 36.18 -1.566 nan nan 0 0 1.73 0 0 -0.16

... and cleaning the GB data

df_EI_model = df_EI[['day_ahead_price', 'demand', 'solar', 'wind']].dropna()

s_demand = df_EI_model['demand']
s_price = df_EI_model['day_ahead_price']
s_dispatchable = df_EI_model['demand'] - df_EI_model[['solar', 'wind']].sum(axis=1)

# Plotting
fig, ax = plt.subplots(dpi=150)

ax.scatter(s_dispatchable['2010-09':'2011-03'], s_price['2010-09':'2011-03'], s=1)
ax.scatter(s_dispatchable['2020-03':'2020-09'], s_price['2020-03':'2020-09'], s=1)

ax.set_xlim(8, 60)
ax.set_ylim(-25, 100)
ax.set_xlabel('Demand - [Wind + Solar] (MW)')
ax.set_ylabel('Price (£/MWh)')
Text(0, 0.5, 'Price (£/MWh)')


As well as the DE data

df_DE = eda.load_DE_df('../data/raw/energy_charts.csv', '../data/raw/ENTSOE_DE_price.csv')

df_DE_model = df_DE[['price', 'demand', 'Solar', 'Wind']].dropna()

s_DE_demand = df_DE_model['demand']
s_DE_price = df_DE_model['price']
s_DE_dispatchable = df_DE_model['demand'] - df_DE_model[['Solar', 'Wind']].sum(axis=1)

# Plotting
fig, ax = plt.subplots(dpi=150)

ax.scatter(s_DE_dispatchable['2015-09':'2016-03'], s_DE_price['2015-09':'2016-03'], s=1)
ax.scatter(s_DE_dispatchable['2020-03':'2020-09'], s_DE_price['2020-03':'2020-09'], s=1)

ax.set_xlim(8, 75)
ax.set_ylim(-25, 100)
ax.set_xlabel('Demand - [Wind + Solar] (MW)')
ax.set_ylabel('Price (£/MWh)')
Text(0, 0.5, 'Price (£/MWh)')


Results Wrapper

We'll start defining each of the price models that we'll fit, using the PicklableFunction class to ensure that all of our models can be saved for later use.

import copy
import types
import marshal

class PicklableFunction:
    """Provides a wrapper to ensure functions can be pickled"""
    def __init__(self, fun):
        self._fun = fun

    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self._fun(*args, **kwargs)

    def __getstate__(self):
            return pickle.dumps(self._fun)
        except Exception:
            return marshal.dumps((self._fun.__code__, self._fun.__name__))

    def __setstate__(self, state):
            self._fun = pickle.loads(state)
        except Exception:
            code, name = marshal.loads(state)
            self._fun = types.FunctionType(code, {}, name)


def get_fit_kwarg_sets(qs=np.linspace(0.1, 0.9, 9)):
    """Helper to generate kwargs for the `fit` method of `Lowess`"""
    fit_kwarg_sets = [
        # quantile lowess
            'name': f'p{int(q*100)}',
            'lowess_kwargs': {'reg_func': PicklableFunction(lowess.calc_quant_reg_betas)},
            'q': q,
        for q in qs

        # standard lowess
    ] + [{'name': 'average'}] 

    return fit_kwarg_sets
model_definitions = {
    'DAM_price_GB': {
        'dt_idx': s_dispatchable.index,
        'x': s_dispatchable.values,
        'y': s_price.values,
        'reg_dates_start': '2009-01-01',
        'reg_dates_end': '2021-01-01',
        'reg_dates_freq': '13W', # 13 
        'frac': 0.3, 
        'num_fits': 31, # 31
        'dates_smoothing_value': 26, # 26
        'dates_smoothing_units': 'W',
        'fit_kwarg_sets': get_fit_kwarg_sets(qs=[0.16, 0.5, 0.84])
    'DAM_price_demand_GB': {
        'dt_idx': s_demand.index,
        'x': s_demand.values,
        'y': s_price.values,
        'reg_dates_start': '2009-01-01',
        'reg_dates_end': '2021-01-01',
        'reg_dates_freq': '13W', # 13 
        'frac': 0.3, 
        'num_fits': 31, # 31
        'dates_smoothing_value': 26, # 26
        'dates_smoothing_units': 'W',
        'fit_kwarg_sets': get_fit_kwarg_sets(qs=[0.5])
    'DAM_price_DE': {
        'dt_idx': s_DE_dispatchable.index,
        'x': s_DE_dispatchable.values,
        'y': s_DE_price.values,
        'reg_dates_start': '2015-01-04',
        'reg_dates_end': '2021-01-01',
        'reg_dates_freq': '13W', # 13 
        'frac': 0.3, 
        'num_fits': 31, # 31
        'dates_smoothing_value': 26, # 26
        'dates_smoothing_units': 'W',
        'fit_kwarg_sets': get_fit_kwarg_sets(qs=[0.16, 0.5, 0.84])
    'DAM_price_demand_DE': {
        'dt_idx': s_DE_dispatchable.index,
        'x': s_DE_demand.values,
        'y': s_DE_price.values,
        'reg_dates_start': '2015-01-04',
        'reg_dates_end': '2021-01-01',
        'reg_dates_freq': '13W', # 13 
        'frac': 0.3, 
        'num_fits': 31, # 31
        'dates_smoothing_value': 26, # 26
        'dates_smoothing_units': 'W',
        'fit_kwarg_sets': get_fit_kwarg_sets(qs=[0.5])

We'll now take these model definitions to fit and save them

def fit_models(model_definitions, models_dir):
    """Fits LOWESS variants using the specified model definitions"""
    for model_parent_name, model_spec in model_definitions.items():
        for fit_kwarg_set in tqdm(model_spec['fit_kwarg_sets'], desc=model_parent_name):
            run_name = fit_kwarg_set.pop('name')
            model_name = f'{model_parent_name}_{run_name}'

            if f'{model_name}.pkl' not in os.listdir(models_dir):
                smooth_dates = lowess.SmoothDates()

                reg_dates = pd.date_range(


                model_fp = f'{models_dir}/{model_name}.pkl'
                pickle.dump(smooth_dates, open(model_fp, 'wb'))

                del smooth_dates
fit_models(model_definitions, models_dir)
DAM_price_GB 100% 4/4 [00:00<00:00, 0.00s/it]
DAM_price_demand_GB 100% 2/2 [00:00<00:00, 0.00s/it]
DAM_price_DE 100% 4/4 [00:00<00:00, 0.00s/it]
DAM_price_demand_DE 100% 2/2 [00:00<00:00, 0.00s/it]

We'll load one of the models in


if load_existing_model == True:
    smooth_dates = pickle.load(open(f'{models_dir}/DAM_price_GB_p50.pkl', 'rb'))
    lowess_kwargs = {}
    reg_dates = pd.date_range('2009-01-01', '2021-01-01', freq='13W')

    smooth_dates = lowess.SmoothDates(), s_price.values, dt_idx=s_dispatchable.index, 
                     reg_dates=reg_dates, frac=0.3, num_fits=31, threshold_value=26, lowess_kwargs=lowess_kwargs)
Wall time: 2.7 s

And create a prediction surface using it


x_pred = np.linspace(8, 60, 521)
dt_pred = pd.date_range('2009-01-01', '2021-01-01', freq='1W')

df_pred = smooth_dates.predict(x_pred=x_pred, dt_pred=dt_pred)

Wall time: 346 ms
Unnamed: 0 2009-01-04 2009-01-11 2009-01-18 2009-01-25 2009-02-01 2009-02-08 2009-02-15 2009-02-22 2009-03-01 2009-03-08 ... 2020-10-25 2020-11-01 2020-11-08 2020-11-15 2020-11-22 2020-11-29 2020-12-06 2020-12-13 2020-12-20 2020-12-27
8 -7.66001 -7.78927 -7.91081 -8.02572 -8.13481 -8.23875 -8.33813 -8.43345 -8.52519 -8.61382 ... 10.2354 10.292 10.3476 10.4021 10.4557 10.5085 10.5611 10.6143 10.6691 10.7271
8.1 -7.46772 -7.59637 -7.71734 -7.83171 -7.94028 -8.04374 -8.14266 -8.23754 -8.32887 -8.41709 ... 10.4429 10.4994 10.5548 10.6092 10.6627 10.7154 10.7679 10.821 10.8758 10.9336
8.2 -7.27561 -7.40364 -7.52404 -7.63785 -7.74592 -7.84889 -7.94734 -8.04178 -8.13268 -8.22049 ... 10.6503 10.7066 10.7619 10.8162 10.8695 10.9222 10.9746 11.0276 11.0823 11.1401
8.3 -7.08366 -7.21108 -7.33089 -7.44416 -7.5517 -7.65418 -7.75217 -7.84616 -7.93663 -8.02403 ... 10.8576 10.9138 10.9689 11.023 11.0763 11.1288 11.1812 11.2341 11.2888 11.3464
8.4 -6.89188 -7.01867 -7.13789 -7.25061 -7.35763 -7.45962 -7.55713 -7.65067 -7.74071 -7.82769 ... 11.0648 11.1208 11.1757 11.2298 11.2829 11.3353 11.3876 11.4405 11.4951 11.5527